The experience of implementing STEM-education in the study of natural and mathematical disciplines by students of pedagogical specialties



STEM, project method, natural and mathematical disciplines, self-study, robotics


This article describes the necessity of introducing STEM-teaching ideas into the educational process of the students of pedagogical specialties in terms of the overall need for forming a creative and imaginative personality. The plan of project activities, which can be used during the self-study of natural and mathematical disciplines is shown. The paper demonstrates the motivation of students to research activities due to the accumulation of a well-tested theoretical basis and experimentally obtained material.


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How to Cite

Kaidan, N., & Velychko, S. (2021). The experience of implementing STEM-education in the study of natural and mathematical disciplines by students of pedagogical specialties. E-Learning TeXnology, 5, 8–14. Retrieved from


