Ways of increasing the efficiency of the educational process of natural and mathematical sciences through the use of elements of distance learning


  • N.V. Kaydan DSPU «Donbass State Pedagogical University»
  • V.P. Kaydan DSPU «Donbass State Pedagogical University»
  • A.V. Bezsmertna DSPU «Donbass State Pedagogical University»


distance education, traditional education, educational process, higher education, natural and mathematical sciences


The article highlights the current state of the elements of distance learning in the educational process. The ways of increasing the efficiency of the educational process of natural and mathematical sciences through the use of the elements of distance learning in higher education, and indicated their advantages and disadvantages. The problems arising from the introduction of elements of distance education in the educational process are analyzed and the solutions to these problems are provided.


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How to Cite

Kaydan, N., Kaydan, V., & Bezsmertna, A. (2018). Ways of increasing the efficiency of the educational process of natural and mathematical sciences through the use of elements of distance learning. E-Learning TeXnology, 2, 32–37. Retrieved from https://texel.ddpu.edu.ua/index.php/texel/article/view/13


