Preparatory stage of developing training materials for the on-line course «Project method in teaching higher mathematics»



higher mathematics, project-based learning, online course, engineering education


The article reviews the process of developing training content of the on-line course on the project method for Mathematics teachers teaching at higher technical universities. The study presents a model for the structure of the on-line course «Project Method in Teaching Higher Mathematics», which is in open access on the «Higher School Mathematics Teacher» educational platform. The original version of the course was designed on the basis of the findings of a survey among the Mathematics professors. After uploading to on the platform the original version of the course, we managed to organize a discussion of the proposed content, structure and modes for submitting the course materials on the forum. The article discusses the process of modifying the course components, improving training material during the forum discussion.


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How to Cite

Kondratyeva, O., Volkov, S., & Sitak, I. (2020). Preparatory stage of developing training materials for the on-line course «Project method in teaching higher mathematics». E-Learning TeXnology, 4, 56–62. Retrieved from


