Information and digital culture: principles of its development in future specialists in physical culture and sports



professional training, future specialists in physical culture and sports, information and digital competence, methodological approaches


The article is devoted to the coverage of methodological approaches to the development of information and digital culture of future specialists of FCiS. Certain methodological approaches (holistic, professionally personal, activity, environmental) allow to characterize the professional training of future specialists of FCiS as a controlled process of influencing the development of their information and digital culture within the Free Economic Zone. Given the complexity of the system of methodological approaches, it can be argued that none of them can be fully implemented in isolation from their totality.


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How to Cite

Lazorenko, S. (2020). Information and digital culture: principles of its development in future specialists in physical culture and sports. E-Learning TeXnology, 4, 36–40. Retrieved from


