Use of virtual laboratory PhET for organization and conduct of independent physical experiment



experiment, independent experimental activity, differentiation, model, integrated knowledge, complexity


The article, on the example of laboratory work on optics "Determination of refractive index of glass", highlights the possibilities of using a virtual laboratory PhET for independent experimental activities of students. Possibilities of expanding the range of physical experiments on the topic of studying and implementing a differentiated approach to their conduct are revealed. The expediency of using virtual laboratories for conducting an experiment at a higher level, comparing the results and thus creating opportunities for more accurate determination of the studied parameters is shown. The advantages of combining real and virtual experiment in the complex formation of conscious knowledge and practical skills are outlined.


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How to Cite

Lymareva, Y., & Udovychenko, V. (2021). Use of virtual laboratory PhET for organization and conduct of independent physical experiment. E-Learning TeXnology, 5, 84–91. Retrieved from


