Digitalization in social work – needs and challenges of social workers in Germany



digitalization, social services, social workers, digital technologies


The article is devoted to the rapid rise and spread of information and communication and digital technologies in the provision of social services in Germany. The author reveals the current state of social work in German society, in which digital transformation plays an important role. In the article the problems, needs and challenges of social workers in Germany are analyzed and the role of non-governmental social protection organizations (including Caritas) in developing new methods and tools, respecting the theories and principles of social work, is emphasized. The author also describes the pilot projects created in Germany to accelerate the digitalization of social work.


1. Опанасюк В.В. Вплив цифрової трансформації на функції держави. URL :

2. Kreidenweis, Helmut (2019): Digitale Transformation – Grundlagen, Strategien und Rahmenbedingungen. In: Archiv für Wissenschaft und Praxis der sozialen Arbeit. Soziale Arbeit in der digitalen Transformation. 02/2019, p.6ff

3. Soziale Arbeit im digitalen Wandel. URL: soziale-arbeit - digitalen-wandel

4. Döring, K.: Soziale Arbeit im Wandel. In: Caritas in NRW. Heft 2/2018. S. 8.

5. DIVSI Internet-Milieus 2016: Die digitalisierte Gesellschaft in Bewegung, 2016. URL:

6. Caritas-Projekte.URL:

7. Position Paper: Social work and digitalisation. URL:



How to Cite

Havrysh, O. (2021). Digitalization in social work – needs and challenges of social workers in Germany. E-Learning TeXnology, 5, 79–83. Retrieved from


